Education & Research |
The Bhandarkar Oriental
Research Institute |
The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, was founded on July 6, 1917 in the honor of the work of Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarakar, the foremost pioneer of scientific Orientology in India. | |
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Jnana Prabodhini Prashala |
Jnana Prabodhini has pinned its faith on spirituality. This is the basis of all work at Jnana Prabodhini. The Philosophy of 'Advaita', in particular, is the fountainhead of inspiration.
Holistic development is ensured by addressing Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Social and Leadership aspects of education.
MTES D. S. Homeopathic Medical College |
Maharashtra Technical Education Society's Dhondumama Sathe Homoeopathic Medical College, located at Pune is a premier institution in India, in training outstanding experts in Homeopathy. | |
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Art India Foundation |
The foundation is committed to offering high quality educational programs in the field of Visual Arts. | |
Nageshkar Memorial |
Nageshkar Memorial Hotel Management Institute started the Kolhapur Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology with the express intention to impart quality education in hospitality management. A board of directors administers the academy. It has eminent persons from academic, industrial and management fields. |
Amruteshwar Arts & Commerce College, Winzer |
The main mission of the Amruteshwar Arts College is to provide higher education facilities in the rural and remote area like Velhe Taluka. Before the establishment of this college in August 1997, seeking higher education was very time and money consuming process for the boys students and dream for girls students. The percentage of people / students taking higher education was very low. But after the establishment of this college there is considerable rise in this percentage. | |
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Study Circle |
Study Circle is a training organization which offers coaching to students who are preparing for various competitive examinations with focus on MPSC and UPSC Civil Services examinations. |
Shri Khanderai Pratishthan's M. Ed. College |
Shri Khanderai Pratishtan M. Ed college belongs to Shri Khanderai Pratishthan group of educational institutes, Balewadi, Pune. As Pune being a well - known city for education at national as well as inter-national level; in this regard an establishment of this institute was sincere contribution. The college was founded in the year 2009 - 10 to promote excellence in teacher education. |
Shri Khanderai Pratishthan's Adhyapak Vidyalaya, D. T. Ed. College |
Shri Khanderai Pratishtan's D. T. Ed college is belongs to Shree Khanderai Pratishthan, Pune. Pune being a famous city for education, at national as well as inter-national level, it was decided to establish an educational institution in Pune city. This college is Founded in the year 2006-2007 to promote excellence in teacher education. |
Shri Khanderai Pratishthan's Shri Martand Bhairav Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya, B. Ed. College |
Shri Khanderai Pratishthan was established in the year 1988, under the patronage of Shri Ganapatrao Balwadkar, President. Shri Martand Bhairav Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya, established in June 2005, is affiliated to the University of Pune. It aimed to produce devoted teachers to build the future of nation. During its journey of 6 years, it has created efficient teachers. |
Shri Khanderai Pratishthan's Jr. College of Art, Commerce & Science |
Shri Khanderai Pratishthan Education Society, popularly known as SKP, was established on 20th June 1988 before 23 years. Under this institute 11 educational faculties are developed. From Pre-Primary to Post Graduation courses were taught in the institute. |
Shri Khanderai Pratishthan's M. T. Balwadkar, High School |
श्री खंडेराय प्रतिष्ठान हा पुणे स्थित नामांकित शैक्षणिक संस्था आहे. या शैक्षणिक संस्थेची स्थापना २० जून १९८८ रोजी झाली. विद्येचे माहेरघर असलेल्या आणि पुणे विद्यापीठापासून हाकेच्या अंतरावर असलेल्या ही संस्था सुमारे २३ वर्षे पासून आपल्या शैक्षणिक कार्यात घोडदौड करीत आहे. संस्थेत पूर्व प्राथमिक ते पदव्युत्तर पर्यंत शिक्षणाची सोय उपलब्ध आहे. तसेच शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०११ पासून इंग्रजी माध्यमाची मूहर्तमेढ रोवली आहे. |
Shri Khanderai Pratishthan's Y. C. M. O. U. Study Centre |
श्री खंडेराय प्रतिष्ठान हा पुणे स्थित नामांकित शैक्षणिक संस्था आहे. या शैक्षणिक संस्थेची स्थापना २० जून १९८८ रोजी झाली. विद्येचे माहेरघर असलेल्या आणि पुणे विद्यापीठापासून हाकेच्या अंतरावर असलेल्या ही संस्था सुमारे २३ वर्षे पासून आपल्या शैक्षणिक कार्यात घोडदौड करीत आहे. संस्थेत पूर्व प्राथमिक ते पदव्युत्तर पर्यंत शिक्षणाची सोय उपलब्ध आहे. तसेच शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०११ पासून इंग्रजी माध्यमाची मूहर्तमेढ रोवली आहे. |
Aadhar |
Aadhaar Mook Badhir Vidyaalay is an NGO dedicated to the development and rehabilitation of the hearing impaired. The school that started with only two students in an area of 100 sq. ft. has been growing like a banyan tree against all odds. Today it nurtures more than 100 students in an area of 4,800 sq. ft., equivalent to a school of approximately 1000 physically fit students. |
Anandashram Sanstha |
The Institute, housed within a massive quadrangle is 125 years old. The Institute, known to scholars of Sanskrit and Indology all over the world as a Publishing House, is making available to Sanskrit students and scholars its valuable and voluminous works at an affordable rate. |
Lolek and Bolek Kindergarten |
"Lolek & Bolek", a unique kindergarten was established recently at Baner, Pune with the belief that what is taught at the tender age is often forgotten but what is felt at this level remains with everyone forever. |
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